ABLEPAWS All In The Family
a.k.a. "Lila"
UKC Registered

Lila winter 2018

Lila winter 2018

Lila at 11 months

Lila at 11 months

Lila during community play time

Lila during community play time

Lila at 3 months

Lila at 6 weeks

Lila at 6 weeks

Lila at 6 weeks

Lila at 4 weeks

Lila at 4 weeks


Parents Grandparents Gr. Grandparents
ABLEPAWS Black Tie Affair Demonios Realm Black Rhino 'PR' Do Good's Big Boi
'PR' Demonios / GK. Diamond
ABLEPAWS Keepin Ita (G) Thang 'PR' Do Good's Big Boi
ABLEPAWS Extacy Is A (G) Thang
ABLEPAWS Pure Elegance ABLEPAWS Cmng To A Pdgree Near U ABLEPAWS Black Tie Affair
Generation X Zoe Paws
ABLEPAWS Ziggys Marley CH Top Shotta's Soul Rebel
Gaff's Eklypse's Platinum Dream OFA CA/PA

Produced by Lila

Legend x Lila

Lexi with her sidekick Lady
Owned and loved by Amy & Family


Owned and loved by Stephen and Jamie

His first birthday

Owned and loved by Leslie.

Ex Kon x Lila
3 blue fawn females

Skittles @ 5 mo
Owned and loved by Jennifer


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In Loving Memory... | Ancestors